Are You Ready to Unlearn?

How open are you to the choices that life gives you? Are you being alive? Have you ever thought how much we have been conditioned from childhood to do this, do that, its not right, its not of use? Do u really believe in right and wrong or Truth? Truth always have various shades, there is never a one size fits all. Have u learned to question your acquired knowledge?

Some people I know are hesitant to even tweak a simple recipe or try a new food or a new relationship. This is just an obstacle to oneself, setting the mind to dislike it even before trying it out. Some even went to the extent of telling me, what I did was just absurd, because I have not met the laws. I mean their own rulebook of laws precisely. Very much I like to write, sometimes I have this self-doubt sinking in me what am I doing with a completely different degree I earned. We have all been there reluctant to take the road that has not been taken. Afraid of repercussions, the challenges, questions one have to face and mostly the change.

Lately I have been asking myself “Am I enough?”, which basically stems from the preconception of only monetary benefits brings out the usefulness of a person. Of course, I am dying to run to the job once we are free from this haunting pandemic. But the doubt arises then and there on my dog days. The way I handle those days are much better now, since I have realized boredom, misery and inadequacy are here to stay. I let it flow into my system. Watch it only for the storm to pass. And it has always. Liberating my mind by accepting all seasons of heart is one baby step I took forward.

For every prejudice, there arise a conflict. Do not waste all your potential on making yourself perfect and Normal. How abused both these words are? How we have belittled and demeaned our own people just because we failed to unlearn and relearn them? One service you can do to yourself or others is to look at everyone or everything without judgements. Maybe difficult but ain’t impossible. Never be the human who condescend other’s choices with your limited knowledge. We make everything a problem because of it.

People have made history just because they thought different, tweaked the laws, brought down redundant things like slavery, holocaust etc. in favor of humanity. Unless we are ready to change our mind, we can never bring a collective conscience. Forget harmony, we can never even imagine being good to each other. Freedom of mind always begin within. Propel yourself to move it slowly, but surely.

Jiddu Krishnamurti used to say, “Let us start our journey together with all the remembrance of yesterday left behind – and begin to understand ourselves for the first time”.

Well, Iam asking you “Are you ready to die to the cocoon u are building up daily only to metamorphosized, to explore the next day with your newly built wings?”

I always HOPE !

Ambivalent Homosapien, giving unsolicited advice

4 comments On Are You Ready to Unlearn?


    You have an amazing writing style. The way the matter is conveyed in a simple, plain and lucid style is awesome. Only those things which are understood perfectly, can be explained with utmost simplicity and you nailed it. Please continue writing…

  • Hi,
    I accidentally came across your Twitter posts few months back and like lot of stuff which you share.
    Now from Twitter I am connected to this site. I liked this article and now onwards regular reader of your articles. Thank you so much for your twitter sharings and also for this site. Take care and once again thanks.
    You have suggested here about ‘Rememberance of yesterday to leave behind’. You know I always feel “wonder” about two selves which Daniel Kahneman mention as ‘remembering self’ and ‘experiencing self’.

    Sudhanshu Atre
    New Bombay.

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