Phases of Faces

Movie : Tribhanga

If perseverance is a skill to behold, I would say most women go through three phases to survive with all the liberation that mind sets off. I always envy some women who never thought about their own freedom or school of thought in which the very self-respect lingers. Lucky them, there isn’t no need of constant struggle to go through, or what do I know? they might be sulking around silently. How many of us have asked our mothers whether they are really happy in being treated as a superhuman, by putting them on pedestal for our own selfish convenience?

There is a line of beauty in art where the “S” shaped curve is more aesthetic signifying liveliness, dynamic, desired and hypnotic. Like how the various sculptures elegantly stands in the position of Tribhanga (S shaped) revealing the beauty in its own way with simplicity and feminine like the odissi dance position.

I guess all women start their lives by being a Samabhanga (phase one) – the equilibrium) with their premeditated skill of adjusting and compromising. Like how Masha was in the movie “Tribhanga”. She tends to be calm and composed, pretty submissive to have a so-called normal life. I believe submissive law has an immense attractive power over treated unequally, you are always asked for more. So, next phase sets in, Abhanga (phase two) – the slight bend in one position, where equilibrium is displaced. Like Nayan who went her way out of marriage to pursue her love for writing. However when the stability is shaken, something happens under her wing which leads to the mother-daughter face-off of hatred, bringing the most pleasing position “Tribhanga” (phase three) character Anu. She don’t give a damn, she cares for her, she take her life in her own hands and the creator of her own happiness. Touche`! That’s most of the women who goes through a painful process of letdown.

When I saw the movie, I realized the characters interknitted is not about the women alone. Director did a well good job on men’s characters also. How Nayan’s husband was completely void of making a decision of own, her second husband a pervert, Anu’s brother who doesn’t think for himself by simply hating his mom for his sister, a Phd aspirant who writes Nayan’s autobiography could not assimilate Anu’s cuss words and voila, he does his phd in feminism. No, I don’t relate swear words to feminism, but aren’t we judged while using it than our counterpart?

There is one beautiful character in the movie – Raina, the artist. He is a perfect example of how one man/woman who comes into someone’s life to put back the missed pieces of puzzle to bring out the craft inside us. Like how Nayan, Anu and Masha had a beautiful life and art when he was around. Masha’s husband was again like Nayan’s who didn’t know how to grow a spine, even when he loves Masha indefinitely. Thereby the circle of Samabhanga-Abhanga-Tribhanga revolves in the wheel of life. How long it takes to lead Masha to a saturation to fall out of balance? Phases of Faces round and round.

I didn’t review the movie, so watch at your own wish. But you can well reflect what I felt about it. Sometimes I feel Samabhanga is a double sided sword, the hell amount of sacrifice one make being a giver, is it even worthy? Well who knows, one has to live to see an absurd life like Sisyphus rolling the stone relentlessly.

In a scene, Nayan says, “Sometimes I wish my children were my characters so that I can write them the way I want to, and make them love me.” That’s where everything fall apart hopelessly like dominoes when we wanted how others should be with an image we created. If I am asked to chose a posture, I would chose Tribhanga, the empowerment of accepting me as me and living my life on my own terms gracefully, that’s all matters.

Ambivalent Homosapien, giving unsolicited advice

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